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Welcome to this Native American flute course. Hopefully playing the Native American flute ( also called the Native Flute) wil give you just as much pleasure in your life as it has already given me. Playing this special flute is a wonderful way to give expression to emotions and Feelings, for both yourself and to others who are going to listen to it.

Sound is a form of energy and existed well before the spoken word. Probably the flute is one of the first instruments on earth that could produce a series of different sounds. The Native flute is a very simple instrument and can basically be played by everyone due to the pentatonic scale, which ensures that playing different notes stay in harmony.

If you play the Native flute, keep in mind that your breath is your life Energy and also the physical expression of your feelings. By blowing your breath through this piece of wood from Mother Nature, you can make a projection of your thoughts to the earthly audible dimension of sound, in other words the flute is a wonderful communication means without using words.

When I got my first native flute from an Apache medicine man in Arizona, and asked him how to play the flute, he said the following; Take the flute in your hands, close the six holes with your fingers, the third hole from above you keep closed with your ring finger, this finger is connected to your heart and thus the Voice of your Spirit. Look around and feel the emotions that arise in your inner self. Blow
your breath, your life energy into the flute, and your fingers will intuitively set the right positions that
are needed to translate your feelings from that moment into a Sound spectrum, through this a song is born.

You can follow this course with an A, G or a F# flute. You can now start with the introduction how this course is set. Good luck and have fun with this course.

About the instructor

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Michael Telapary

Michael Telapary is op vijfjarige leeftijd begonnen met gitaar leren spelen, gemotiveerd door zijn vader, die hem de eerste lessen bij bracht. Na  jaren intensief spelen stopte Michael gelijdelijk met de gitaar om beter te kunnen focussen op andere doelen in zijn leven. Later in zijn leven kwamen de gevoelens voor het maken van muziek weer terug, dit keer niet met de gitaar, maar de Native American Style Flute, of simpel gezegd de Indiaanse fluit.

Inmiddels heeft Michael 6 CD’s uitgebracht in eigen beheer. Tijdens de concerten die hij regelmatig geeft brengt hij de mensen in een meditatieve staat door de fluiten te laten resoneren met de 7 hoofd chakra’s.

Mede door de vele aanvragen van mensen om les te geven met dit instrument, besloot Michael in 2010 om een fluitworkshop programma op te zetten, waarbij hij op verschillende locaties in het Nederland en Belgie een groep mensen in één dag leert om de Indiaanse fluit te bespelen. Vanwege het feit dat vaak mensen niet de mogelijkheid hebben om naar een bepaalde locatie te komen heeft Michael besloten om deze workshop ook in een online versie aan te bieden.

Michael is officieel importeur voor de Red Kite Flutes in de Benelux, voor meer informative over deze fluiten kun je zijn website bezoeken. www.tewanka.com

See more courses by Michael Telapary →

Course Curriculum

Introduction Playing the Native Flute
The Power of the Native Flute 00:07:00
Features of the Native Flute
Lesson 1 How the Native Flute is build 00:15:00
How to Hold and Blow
Lesson 2: Flute Fingerings 00:15:00
Lesson 3. Blowing Technique 00:15:00
All the tones you can play with your Native Flute
Lesson 4: De Pentatonic Scale 00:20:00
Lesson 5: The Circle Song 00:30:00
Lesson 6: Extra tones 00:15:00
Special Effects
Lesson 7: De Roll-Tone 00:10:00
Lesson 8: The slow Twitter 00:00:00
Lesson 9: The Fast Twitter 00:00:00
Lesson 10: Toketok effect 00:10:00
Lesson 11: The Vibrato effect 00:15:00
Now it's time to take your own path and practise what you have learned in this course.
Wrapping up this Native Flute Course 00:06:00

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